"You need a check up from the neck up!" Ever heard that statement?
Too much introspection can have negative consequences. However, healthy self analysis, on a regular basis, is good. It helps us to stay aware of how well we are progressing in self development.
Our self check up has to be more comprehensive than "from the neck up". I propose a simple guideline to cover the basic areas of our self-check. It involves the "THREE H's"... HEAD, HEART, and HANDS!
To summarize, here's what I mean...
HEAD: Do I have the right information? Am I adding to my knowledge?
HEART: How's my attitude, my mindset, my perspective?
HANDS: Am I practically applying all the above? Am I organized, efficient, and doing?
That is a simple, memorable, way of looking at our "total" self. The "Three H's" can be used to check out whatever area of our life we choose... physical, relational, financial, spiritual, business or work, etc. In all cases we can ask the three questions... "Do I know?", "Is my attitude right?", and "Am I doing it well?"... Head, Heart, and Hands!
The maxim, "Know thyself", most often attributed to Socrates, is ancient and good advice! Sometimes an honest self examination is painful, but it will always be productive, IF we follow it up with purposeful, positive, action. In other words, if, rather than sulking over the things we see about ourselves that we don't like, we begin to work on positive changes in those areas, we will be the better for it!
So, go ahead and check out the "Three H's"!
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