The Journey...

Reaching our FULL potential is definitely a life long journey! We never "arrive" until we finally arrive in our permanent Home. Someone has said, "if we think we've totally 'arrived' here, like fruit, we won't be around long before we start rotting!" We are in an ongoing "ripening" process for life. This blog exists to assist in that process. Sign up in the box above to receive these posts directly to your email.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The TRUE Measure of Self Worth

Two extremes... I'm a worthless piece of garbage, not as good as others, OR, I'm better than, more important than, others...

An integral part of developing our potential is having a healthy sense of self worth.  If we don't understand or accept our own value, if we have a poor or unbalanced view of ourselves, we will be hindered from the possibility of even comprehending our potential, much less allowing it to be developed.

Unfortunately, our society tends to measure self worth by the wrong standards and we sometimes get caught up in that trend.  If we gauge our self worth by aptitude, assets, or accomplishments, we are missing the mark!   Don't get me wrong, I believe all three of those can be important in life, but NOT acting as the measure of our self worth.  All of those can come and go.  If we lose our ability to think or do, if we lose our assets, if we don't accomplish our goals, are we worth less as a person?  What about the severely mentally challenged, the extremely poor, the below average achiever just drifting through life?  Are they worth less as a human?  There has to be a better measure of self worth!

The TRUE measure of self worth is something I call the IV Quotient.  We ALL possess this, whether we realize it or not!  When we finally comprehend and believe this particular "measure" of self worth, we have a solid foundation, on which we can build our house of potential.

The IV Quotient... our inherent value!  It is not something we earned or accomplished.  It has nothing to do with ability or action.  We didn't give it to ourselves and we can't spend it away.  No one can take it from us either.

Our inherent value is present because we were made to be something unique and special in the entire world.  Nothing else in this wide, wonder filled, universe is comparable to us!  No star, planet, animal, plant, or anything else we can think of, is as complex and awesome as a human being.  I picture my inherent value by imagining a tag being placed on me at my conception... Body by God!  (Merchandise gets more expensive when accompanied by the right name tag or brand!)  You don't get a more prestigious brand than that one!  We ALL carry that tag!

That means that no one who ever lived is insignificant or of less value.  Even the severely challenged are just as valuable as anyone else.

If you accept the concept of the IV Quotient, your life will be much fuller!  You are inherently valuable, special, and unique!  Go develop your potential!