The Journey...

Reaching our FULL potential is definitely a life long journey! We never "arrive" until we finally arrive in our permanent Home. Someone has said, "if we think we've totally 'arrived' here, like fruit, we won't be around long before we start rotting!" We are in an ongoing "ripening" process for life. This blog exists to assist in that process. Sign up in the box above to receive these posts directly to your email.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


"Setbacks are setups for comebacks!"

You've probably heard that one more than once if you've listened to or read any self development material.  Hearing it is one thing,  REALLY believing it is quite another!

We can CHOOSE between two mindsets.  Put succinctly, "I'm a victim" OR, "I'm a victor"!

The undeniable truth is this... not all circumstances in life are going to be good or easy!  NONE of us will get through this life without some trouble, trial, or tragedy.  We ALL face challenges to one degree or another.  When it happens, we react based on one of the two mindsets just mentioned above.

The first mindset, "I'm a victim", is marked by several things...
  • Drifting through life with no direction or purpose.
  • Surprise that something bad could happen to me.
  • Locked into a "why me" attitude.
  • Anger, turned to bitterness in time.
  • Rationalizing failure or inaction.  Excuse making expert. 
The second mindset, "I'm a victor", is marked by these characteristics...
  •  Living life with purpose and direction.
  • Understanding that bad things can and do happen.
  • Instead of asking "why me?", asking, "what needs to be done, how do I respond, what can I learn?"
  • Having a willingness to forgive, to change what can be changed, and to move on.
  • Understanding that what happens to me can't always be controlled, but, how I respond can be!
Some people live and die "under the circumstances".  They never move past the challenges or difficulties, even after they have past.  Others choose to learn from them, grow from them, and keep moving forward.

This is not meant to minimize or trivialize bad circumstances!  None are ever easy or fun.  Some are terrible beyond description!  However, the mindset of the person has everything to do with where they end up!

I think of wounded veterans returning from war with missing limbs or worse.  I think of Joni Eareckson Tada, who, at the tender age of 17, broke her neck in a diving accident in the Chesapeake Bay, becoming a quadriplegic.  She didn't give up on life.  Instead, she has an international ministry to people with disabilities!

Whether you are experiencing personal loss, relationship struggles, business failure, or even health issues, you can eventually allow those setbacks to become setups for comebacks, IF, you have an "I'm a victor" mindset!