The Journey...

Reaching our FULL potential is definitely a life long journey! We never "arrive" until we finally arrive in our permanent Home. Someone has said, "if we think we've totally 'arrived' here, like fruit, we won't be around long before we start rotting!" We are in an ongoing "ripening" process for life. This blog exists to assist in that process. Sign up in the box above to receive these posts directly to your email.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


My two granddaughters, pictured on the right, are the SIXTH generation with which I have had contact in my family!  As a very young child, I remember my paternal grandfather's mother, my great-grandmother.  Then there was my grandfather, my father, myself and my siblings, my son, and now, his daughters.  If I live long enough, I may see generation seven, my great-grandchildren.  I don't expect to see generation eight, unless I live close to 100 years!

The older I get, (only 56 years old at this point!), the more I realize how blessed I am to see all those generations.  Life should be composed of lots of family life, good family life.  When we leave this planet for our final destination, we should leave behind good memories for surviving generations and a legacy for succeeding generations.

That means that we must live life on purpose, determined to make the most of every moment with our family.  The picture on the upper left was taken just yesterday.  I was watching Makena and her little sister, Cheyenne, while Dad was on a business conference call.  I was about to speak on the call as well.  Makena was having a great time with Grandad, or GeeDad, as she calls me.  She insisted that I put that hat on, so that we both had hats on.  I was thinking about what I was going to say on the conference call, but realized that this was much more important to her.  I snapped the picture and am very glad I did.  Check out the look on her face!  It's priceless!!!  I realize how important those moments were.

I know that, as I impact Makena's life, I am ultimately impacting generations to come.  It's worth the investment of time and energy!  And, it's FUN!!!

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